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K'ab bin Suwar al-Azdy كعب بن سور الأزدي
Scholar:11111 - K'ab bin Suwar al-Azdy Follower(Tabi')
Full Name:K'ab bin Suwar b. Bakr b. 'Abd b. Tha'laba b. Salim b. Dhal b. Laqit b. al-Harith b. Malik...b. Daus
Parents:Suwar b. Bakr / 'A'isha
Birth Date/Place: (Basra)
Death Date/Place: 36 AH ()[ Killed(Jamal) ]
Places of Stay: Basra
Area of Interest:Narrator[Grade:No Doubt] , Qadhi(Judge)
Narrated From:
'Umar ibn al-Khattab
Tags :B.Azd, B.Dausi, Basri
Analysis:[] [Family Tree 2] [Teacher/Student Tree] [] [Teacher List] [Student List]
Brief Biography:
He was a man known for his virtue and righteousness but does not have any hadith. He was appointed Qadi by 'Umar ibn al-Khattab after he noticed something in a case that 'Umar ibn al-Khattab did not notice. Ash-Sha'bi said, "A woman came to 'Umar ibn al-Khattab and said, 'I complain to you of the best of the people of this world unless some man had done it before him or done the like of what he does. He stands in prayer for the entire night until morning, and fasts the day until evening.' Then modesty and embarrassment overcame her and she said, 'Dismiss me, Amir al-Mu'minin.' He said, 'May Allah repay you well. Excellent is the praise you have uttered. I have dismissed you.' When she had gone away, Ka'b ibn Suwar said, Amir al-Mu'minin, she has been eloquent in her complain.' He asked, ‘What was she complaining about?' He replied, 'Her husband.' He said, 'I owe the woman a response.' He told Ka'b, 'Judge between them.' He said, 'Me judge when you are present?' He said, 'You grasped what I did not grasp.' Ka'b said, 'Allah says, "Marry other permissible women, two, three or four [4:3]." Therefore fast three days and break the fast for a day on one day. Stand in prayer for three nights and spend one night with her.' 'Umar said, 'This is more wondrous to me than the first!' So he sent him as a qadi to the people of Basra." The story of how he died are told by some people of knowledge who say that when Talha, az-Zubayr and 'A'isha came to Basra, Ka'b ibn Suwar went into a house and had it covered with clay, leaving only a hole from which to receive his food and drink. This was in order to withdraw from the fitna. 'A'isha was told, "If Ka'b ibn Suwar comes out with you, none of Azd [his tribe] will hold back." So she rode to him and called to him and spoke to him, but he did not answer her. She said, "Ka'b! Am I not your mother and do I not hav ea right from you?" So he spoke to her. She said, "I want to make peace between the people!" That was when he came out and took the Qur'an and opened it and walked between the rows calling them to what is contained. An arrow came from an unknown source and killed him.
Last Updated:2010-05-17
References:21[pg:55-56], 20[vol:5]
Thiqat [Vol:5] , Tabaqat [Vol:7]

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