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Sa'id bin Abi Hilal سعيد بن أبي هلال الليثي - Some possible chains to Companions

Chains with: English     Arabic     
Possible Chains found: 2

Possible Chains with 2 narrators: 0

Possible Chains with 3 narrators: 0

Possible Chains with 4+ narrators: 2

Sa'id bin Abi Hilal——»'Abdullah bin 'Ubaidullah bin Abi Rafi'——»'Ubaidullah bin Abi Rafi'——»Abu Rafi', Salma, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abu Hurairah, Shuqran
Sa'id bin Abi Hilal——»'Abdullah bin 'Ubaidullah bin Abi Rafi'——»Abu Ghatafan——»Abu Rafi', Sa'id bin Zayd, Abu Hurairah, ibn Abbas

Color Scheme:     Companions (Sahaba, RA)      Followers (Tab'aeen)      Successors (Taba' Tab'aeen)      3rd Century (Taba' Taba' Tab'aeen)      
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