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Abu Lubaba bin 'Abdul Mundhir ( أبو لبابة بن عبد المنذر ( رضي الله عنه
Scholar:115 - Abu Lubaba bin 'Abdul Mundhir [Abu Lubaba] Comp.(RA) [1st Generation]
Full Name:Basheer bin 'Abdul Mundhir b. Zanbar b. Zayd b. Umayya b. Zayd b. Malik b. 'Auf b. 'Amr
Parents:'Abdul Mundhir b. Zanbar b. Zayd / نسيبة بنت زيد بن ضبيعة
Siblings: Rifa'a bin 'Abdul Mundhir, Mubashshir bin 'Abdul Mundhir
Birth Date/Place: (Medinah)
Death Date/Place: ~36-40 AH (Medina)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Medina
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Narrator [ خ م د ق
Spouse(s):Nusayba bint Faddala of B.Umayya of B.'Amr B.'Auf, Khansa bint Khudham al-Ansariyya
Children :al-Saib bin Abu Lubaba, Lubaba bint Abu Lubaba
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw), 'Umar ibn al-Khattab
Narrated By:
al-Saib bin Abu Lubaba, ibn Umar, Salim bin 'Abdullah bin 'Umar, Nafie', 'Abdullah bin Ka'b bin Malik b. Abi Ka'b, 'Abdur Rahman bin Yazid bin Jabir, 'Ubaidullah bin Abi Yazid
Tags :Ansar, Aws, B.'Amr B.'Auf, B.Umayyah B.Zayd, Badr, Uhud, Khandaq
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Brief Biography:
Full Lineage: Basheer bin 'Abdul Mundhir b. Zanbar b. Zayd b. Umayya b. Zayd b. Malik b. 'Auf b. 'Amr b. 'Auf b. Malik b. al-Aus
Prophet(saw) sent him back from Badr to make care taker of Medina. He did receive the spoils of the war.
Last Updated:2010-12-23
Thiqat [Vol:3] , Tabaqat [Vol:3] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:12] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [669]

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