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Mus'ab ibn 'Umair ( مصعب بن عمير ( رضي الله عنه
Scholar:12 - Mus'ab ibn 'Umair [Abu 'Umar or Abu 'Abdullah] Comp.(RA)
Full Name:Mus'ab ibn 'Umair b. Hashim b. 'Abd Manaf b. 'Abd al-Dar b. Qusayy b. Kilab
Parents:'Umair b. Hashim / Khunnas bint Malik
Siblings: Abu al-Rome ibn 'Umair, Abu 'Aziz ibn 'Umair
Birth Date/Place: (Makkah)
Death Date/Place: 3 AH/625 CE (Medinah)[ Martyred(Uhud) ]
Places of Stay: Makkah/Abyssinia/Medinah
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Preacher, Fiqh
Spouse(s):Hamnah bint Jahsh
Children :Zaynab bint Mus'ab ibn 'Umair
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw),
Narrated By:
lot of Ansaris
Tags :Quraish, B.'Abd al-Dar, Early Muslim, Tortured, Abyssinia 1, Abyssinia 2, Badr, Uhud, Envoy, Emigrant
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Brief Biography:
Before Islam
Mus‘ab bin ‘Umair was a very handsome young man. He was the son of Umair bin Hashim and Kunnas bint Malik, who were very rich. He brought up his son in quite a luxurious fashion. Mus‘ab enjoyed the best of food, finest dresses and the best perfumes. Whenever Mus‘ab passed through the streets, dressed in precious clothes and profusely perfumed, the sweet smell scented the atmosphere all around and the people gazed at him with amazement and appreciation. His beauty and charm was the talk of the town. Every person knew that Mus‘ab's parents were bringing up their son with great affection and care.
His acceptance of Islam
When he embraced Islam he was given a respectable place in the Muslim society. But it was not due to his beauty, charm, good dress, good manners or wealth, but due to his piety and fear of God. When he embraced Islam, he faced severe hardships and torture. The beauty and charm of his person faded. He was also deprived of the affection and care of his parents. But his virtues and piety won the appreciation of Allah and prophet Muhammed (SAW). In his pursuit for winning the favour of Allah and prophet Muhammed (SAW), Mus‘ab cared neither for good food, nor good dress. He was no longer inclined towards expensive perfumes, instead he devoted himself whole heartedly to serve the cause of Islam.When the Muslims were ordered to migrate to Abyssinia, this young-man also migrated along with the other people. When he returned from Abyssinia, people saw in him a different person- all the luster was gone.
Mission to Medina – First Envoy of Islam
The new Muslims of medina requested that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) send them a preacher for teaching them the fundamentals of Islam. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) selected Mus'ab. He went from door to door to convince the people for the message of Islam. He talked to each person in terms, which that person could understand, and then presented to him the message of Islam at the right moment. He recited before the people selected verses of the Qur’an, which had a profound effect on their minds. He treated his visitors very politely. He had a natural gift for soft speech and people who approached him instantly became his friends.
His Martyrdom in Battle of Uhud
He migrated with other Muslims to Medina. In the battle of Uhad he had the honor to hold the banner of Islam. He fought with courage. He takes the banner in his left when his right was cut. Eventually, He was mayrted. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) addressed the dead body, said: “When I saw you for the first time in Mecca there was nobody more handsome and well-dressed than you. But, I see that today your hair is uncombed and only a sheet of cloth covers your body!”
Last Updated:2010-01-19
Thiqat [Vol:3] , Tabaqat [Vol:3] , Siyar A'lam [1/145-150]

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