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Zinira ( زنيرة ( رضي الله عنها
Scholar:126 - Zinira Comp.(RA)
Full Name:Zinira, Roman Slave girl
Birth Date/Place: (Makkah)
Death Date/Place: (Medinah)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Makkah/Medinah
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw),
Tags :Female, Early Muslim, Non-Quraish, Slave, Tortured
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Brief Biography:
When she embraced Islam, she was tortured by Quraish until she lost her eye sight. Quraish said it was due to wrath of their idol gods Lat and 'Uzza. She told them that it is Allah who blinded her and he can restore it. Next morning her sight was back! Se was freed by Abu Bakr(RA).
Last Updated:2010-01-19

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