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al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad ( المقداد بن الأسود الكندي ( رضي الله عنه
Scholar:163 - al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad [Abu Ma'bad] Comp.(RA) [1st Generation]
Full Name:al-Miqdad ibn 'Amr b. Tha'laba b. Malik b. Rabi'ah b. 'Amir
Parents:'Amr b. Tha'labah b. Malik b. Rabi'ah
Birth Date/Place: (Makkah)
Death Date/Place: 33 AH/653 CE (al-Jurf, Medinah)[ Poisoned ]
Places of Stay: Makkah/Medina/Abyssinia
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Narrator [ ع
Spouse(s):Duba'a bint Az-Zubair
Children :'Abdullah bin al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, Ma'bad bin al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, Karima bint al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw), Prophet Muhammad(saw)
Narrated By:
Ali ibn Abi Talib, Anas bin Malik, 'Ubaidullah bin 'Ady bin al-Khayyar, Hamam bin al-Harith, Sulayman ibn Yasar, Sulaym bin 'Amir al-Kula'i al-Khaba'ri, أبو معمر عبد الله بن سنحبرة الأزدي, 'Abdur Rahman bin Abi Layla, Jubayr bin Nufayr al-Hadrami, 'Umar bin Ishaq al-Madni, زوجته ضباعة بنت الزبير بن عبد المطلب, Karima bint al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, ابنته ضباعة علي خلاف في ذلك
Tags :Early Muslim, Ally B.Zuhrah, Abyssinia 2, Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Baqi'
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Brief Biography:
Miqdad ibn Aswad Al-Kindi belonged to the Kunda tribe. He escaped from his tribe and inhabited Mecca. In Mecca, Miqdad belonged to a man named Al-Aswad bin Abid Yaqut. So, people started calling him Miqdad ibn Aswad. Islam rose from the top of the Hira Mount. Miqdad ibn Aswad Al-Kindi became twenty-four years old. He heard about the Islamic Prophet Muhammad’s mission. He hurried to believe in the new religion. He kept his Islam a secret. He met the Islamic Prophet Muhammad secretly. Thus, he was among the earlier Muslims. He always felt the Muslims' sufferings.
The Brotherhood was made b/w him and Jabbar bin Sakhr of B.Salima.
Last Updated:2010-01-04
Thiqat [Vol:3] , Tabaqat [Vol:3] , Siyar A'lam [1/385-389] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:10] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [545]
Narrations:Sahih Bukhari: 1    Sahih Muslim: 4    

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