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'Abdur-Razzaq عبد الرزاق بن همام
Scholar:20121 - 'Abdur-Razzaq [Abu Bakr] Succ. (Taba' Tabi') [9th generation]
Full Name:'Abdur-Razzaq bin Humam bin Nafi' al-Himyari As-San'ani
Parents:Humam bin Nafi' al-Himyari
Siblings: Abd al-Whab bin Hmam bin Naf'
Birth Date/Place: 126 AH/744 CE (Sanaa, Yemen)
Death Date/Place: 211 AH/827 CE (Yemen)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Yemen/Hijaz/Syria/Iraq
Area of Interest:Narrator[Grade:No Doubt] [ ع , Hadith, History, Seerah
Narrated From:
Humam bin Nafi' al-Himyari, Wahub bin Naf' al-Sn'any, Ayman bin Nabil, 'Ikrama bin 'Ammar, Ibn Jurayj, 'Ubaidullah bin 'Umar bin Hafs, 'Abdullah bin 'Umar bin Hafs bin 'Asim, Imam Maalik, Ma'mar bin Rashid, Sufyan bin Sa‘id Ath-Thawri, Sufyan bin 'Uyaynah, Ja'far bin Sulaiman al-Daba'i, Yonus bin Slym al-Sn'any, 'Abdul Majeed bin 'Abdul 'Aziz, Isra'il bin Yonus bin Abi Ishaq, Isma'il bin Ayyash bin Saleem, Others
Narrated By:
Sufyan bin 'Uyaynah, Waki' bin al-Jarrah, Hammad bin Usamah, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ishaq bin Mansur al-Kausaj, Ahmed bin Yusuf bin Khalid, al-Hasan bin 'Ali al-Halwani, 'Abdur Rahman bin Bashr, 'Abd bin Hameed bin Nasr, Muhammad bin Rafa'i, Muhammad bin Mhran, Mahmud bin Ghaylan, Muhammad bin Yahya bin Faris al-Dhahli, Ahmed bin Salah al-Masri, Ishaq bin Ibrahim bin Nasr, Ahmed bin al-Frat bin Khalid, Zuhayr bin Harb, Ahmed bin Salah al-Masri, 'Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Musandi, Salmah bin Shbyb, 'Amr bin Muhammad bin Bukayr (al-Naqid), Muhammad bin Yahya bin Abi 'Umar, Hajjaj bin Yusuf bin al-Sha'ir, Yahya bin Ja'far bin A'yn al-Baykandi, Yahya bin Musa Khat, Ishaq bin Ibrahim bin Nasr, Ishaq bin Mansur al-Kausaj, Ahmed bin Yusuf bin Khalid, al-Hasan bin 'Ali al-Halwani, 'Abdur Rahman bin Bashr, 'Abd bin Hameed bin Nasr, Muhammad bin Rafa'i, Muhammad bin Mhran, Mahmud bin Ghaylan, Ishaq bin Rahwaya, Yahya bin Ma'in, 'Ali bin al-Madini, Ahmed bin al-Frat bin Khalid
Books/Work :al-Musannaf, al-Musannaf, tafseer abdur-razaq bin hammam[Add]
Tags :Hafiz, Al-Yemni, al-HUmayri, al-Sana'i
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Brief Biography:
Abd Al-Razzaq’s area of specialization was the Hadith discipline, which he helped to perfect. Numerous Hadith scholars traveled to meet him and learn from him. His knowledge of Hadith was extensive. He wrote several books, the most important one of which is Al-Mussannaf, which is a collection of Hadiths in several volumes. The title means The Classified, which suggests the nature of this Hadith collection, as it is arranged according to the topics of Fiqh. His other works include a commentary on the Qur’an and a book on the Prophet’s life. However, only Al-Mussannaf survives, and has been published more than once. A new and fuller edition was published by Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah in Beirut in 2000. This edition benefits from the fact that the editor was able to refer to three manuscripts which complement each other to provide a full copy of the book, as each manuscript suffers from the loss of some pages. It also benefits from an earlier edition published in 11 volumes.
Last Updated:2011-02-14
Thiqat [Vol:8] , Tabaqat [Vol:5] , Lisan al-Mizan [Vol:7] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:6] , Mezan al-A'tadal [Vol:2] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [354]
Narrations:Sahih Bukhari: 103    Sahih Muslim: 376    

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