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Fatima bint Qays ( فاطمة بنت قيس ( رضي الله عنها
Scholar:224 - Fatima bint Qays Comp.(RA) [1st Generation]
Full Name:Fatima bint Qays bin Khalid b. Wahb b. Tha'laba b. Wa'il b. 'Amr b. Shiban b. Muharib b. Fihr
Parents:Qays bin Khalid Akbar bin Wahb / Ummaimah bint Rabi'ah
Siblings: Ad-Dahhak bin Qays, Khayra bint Qays
Birth Date/Place: (Makkah)
Death Date/Place: after 65 AH (Kufah)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Makkah/Medina/Kufah
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Narrator [ ع , Fiqh
Spouse(s):Abu 'Amr bin Hafs, Usamah ibn Zayd
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw), Prophet Muhammad(saw)
Narrated By:
al-Qasim ibn Muhammad, Abu Bakr bin Abi al-Jhm, Abu Salama bin 'Abdur Rahman, Sa'id ibn al-Musayyib, 'Urwa ibn al-Zubayr, عبد الله بن عبد الله بن عبيد بن مسعود, al-Aswad bin Yazid, Sulayman ibn Yasar, 'Abdullah bin Yasar al-Bahi, Muhammad bin 'AR bin Thauban, 'Amir al-Sha'bi, 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Asim, تميم مولى فاطمة بنت قيس
Tags :Female, Quraish, B.Fihr
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Brief Biography:
It was said that in the year 10 AH, Abu Umar bin Hafs divorced Fatima irrevocably when he was away from her on return from a trip to Yemen as his agent was sent to give her some barley, but she exasperated him. Learning of this Abu Umar replied, 'By God, you will have nothing form me!, and so the divorce. She went to his family and asked them to provide her with lodging and maintenance and they refused. Later, on reccomendation of the Prophet, she married Usama. Usama died in 54 AH and that Fatima never remarried, instead she lived with her brother, Dahhak ibn Qays.
Last Updated:2010-06-08
Thiqat [Vol:3] , Tabaqat [Vol:8] , Siyar A'lam [2/319-320] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:12] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [751]
Narrations:Sahih Muslim: 14    

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