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al-Fadl bin Y'aqub bin Ibrahim الفضل بن يعقوب الرخامي
Scholar:30265 - al-Fadl bin Y'aqub bin Ibrahim [Abu al-'Abbas] 3rd Century AH [11th generation]
Full Name:al-Fadl bin Y'aqub bin Ibrahim bin Musa
Death Date/Place: 258 AH ()[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: al-Baghdad
Area of Interest:Narrator[Grade:Thiqah Thiqah] [ خ ق
Narrated From:
'Abdullah bin Ja'far al-Raqqi, Muhammad bin Sabiq al-Tamimi, al-Hasan bin Muhammad bin A'yn, Hajjaj bin Muhammad al-Musaysi, Habib bin Abi Habib al-Masri, Mrwan bin Muhammad bin Hsan, Hashim bin al-Qasim bin Muslim, Rwad bin al-Jrah Abu Asam, أبي عامر, Several Others
Narrated By:
al-Bukhari, Ibn Maja, ابن ناجية, Ibn Abi Dunya, عمرو بن محمد البجيري, Abu Hatim al-Razi, ابنه عبد الرحمن بن أبي حاتم الباغندي, السراج, ابن صاعد, محمد بن المسيب الأرغياني, أبو حامد الحضرمي, Hussain ibn 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, القاسم ابنا إسماعيل المحاملي, محمد بن مخلد الدوري
Tags :al-Baghdadi
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Brief Biography:
Last Updated:2012-06-21
Thiqat [Vol:9] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:8] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [447]
Narrations:Sahih Bukhari: 4    

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