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Qays bin al-Sakan bin Qays ( قيس بن السكن بن قيس ( رضي الله عنه
Scholar:367 - Qays bin al-Sakan bin Qays [Abu Zayd] Comp.(RA)
Full Name:Qays bin al-Sakan bin Qays b. Za'ura' b. Haram b. Jundab b. Amir b. Ghanm b. 'Ady b. al-Najjar
Birth Date/Place: (Medinah)
Death Date/Place: 14 AH/636 CE (Iran)[ Martyred(Jasr) ]
Places of Stay: Medinah
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Narrator
Spouse(s):Umm Khawla bint Sufyan bin Qays
Children :Khawla bint Qays bin al-Sakan, Zayd, Ishaq
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw),
Tags :Ansar, Khazraj, B.'Ady, Badr, Uhud, Khandaq
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Brief Biography:
He is one of the companion who gathered Qu'ran during Prophet's(saw) life. There are some confusion over the name of this person (Abu Zayd is also Kunya for some other companion)
Last Updated:2010-01-07
Thiqat [Vol:3] , Tabaqat [Vol:3]

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