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'Abdur Rahman Ibn 'Awf ( عبد الرحمن بن عوف ( رضي الله عنه
Scholar:8 - 'Abdur Rahman Ibn 'Awf [Abu Muhammad] Comp.(RA) [1st Generation]
Full Name:'Abd ar-Rahman bin 'Awf b. 'Abd 'Awf b. 'Abd b. al-Harith b. Zuhrah b. Kilab b. Murrah b. Ka'b
Parents:'Awf b. 'Abd 'Awf b. 'Abd b. al-Harith / al-Shifa' bint 'Awf
Siblings: 'Atika bint 'Awf, al-Shifa' bint 'Awf, 'Abdullah Ibn 'Awf, Halah bint 'Awf
Birth Date/Place: ~43 BH/580 CE (est.) (Makkah)
Death Date/Place: 32 AH/654 CE (Medianh)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Makkah/Abyssinia/Medinah
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Narrator [ ع , Commander
Spouse(s):Umm Kulthum bint 'Utba b. Rabi'a, Umm Kulthum bint 'Uqba, Sahla bint 'Asim bin 'Ady, Bahria bint Hani, Sehlah bint Suhayl, Umm Hakim bint Qariz bin Khalid, bint Abi al-Husayn, Tumadir bint al-Asbagh Kalbia, Asma' bint Salama/Makhrabah, Umm Wald, Badiyya bint Ghilan al-Thaqafi
Children :Salim, Muhammad bin 'Abdur-Rahman, Ibrahim bin 'Abdur Rahman, Humaid bin 'Abdur Rahman, Isma'il, Hamida, Ammatur Rahman, Ma'n, 'Umar bin 'Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Zayd bin 'Abdur Rahman, Ammatur Rahman, 'Urwa (Akbar) bin 'Abdur Rahman, Salim(Asghar) bin 'Abdur Rahman, Abu Bakr bin 'Abdur Rahman, 'Abdullah bin 'Abdur Rahman, Abu Salama bin 'Abdur Rahman, 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Abdur Rahman, Mus'ub bin 'Abdur Rahman, Suhayl, Jawayriya
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw), 'Umar ibn al-Khattab
Narrated By:
Ibrahim bin 'Abdur Rahman, Humaid bin 'Abdur Rahman, 'Umar bin 'Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Mus'ub bin 'Abdur Rahman, Abu Salama bin 'Abdur Rahman, al-Maswar bin Ibrahim, al-Miswar bin Makhrama bin Nawfal, ibn Abbas, ibn Umar, Jabir ibn 'Abdullah, Jubayr bin Mut'im, Anas bin Malik, Bjalh bin Abd'h al-Tmymy al-Nbry, Malik bin Aws bin al-Hadathan, Nawful bin Iyas al-Hdhly, Rdad al-Lythy Wqal B'd'hm Abu, 'Abdullah bin 'Amir bin Rabi'a, Muhammad bin Jubayr bin Mut'im
Tags :Quraish, B.Zuhrah, Early Muslim, Abyssinia 1, Abyssinia 2, Emigrant, Badr, Promised Paradise, Baqi'
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Brief Biography:
The eighth person to embrace Islam, he migrated twice to Abyssinia. He was one of the ten persons (al-asharatu-l mubashshirin) who were assured of entering Paradise. He was one of the six persons chosen by Umar to form the council of shura to choose the Khalifah after his death. His name in Jahiliyyah days was Abu Amr. But when he accepted Islam the noble Prophet called him Abdur-Rahman - the servant of the Beneficent God. Abdur-Rahman distinguished himself in both the battles of Badr and Uhud, suffering more than twenty wounds at the latter. Starting with nothing, he went on to enjoy tremendous success as a merchant, becoming the richest of the Companions. From his great wealth, Abdur-Rahman financed the Muslim armies, contributed to the the upkeep of the family of Mohammed after the prophet's death and was universally renowned for his fabulous generosity.
His name was ’Abdul-Rahman bin ’Awf bin Abdul-Harith bin Zuhrah. His nickname was Abu Muhammad. The Companion ‘Abdul-Rahman bin ‘Awf (R) is one of those whom Allah’s Messenger (SAW) bestowed the glad tidings of Paradise. He was an early convert. He did not conceal reversion and didn’t hesitate due to fear of persecution. ‘Abdul-Rahman bin ‘Awf was one of the elite and chosen Companions as regards to truthfulness of belief, sincerity of the creed, fighting in the way of Allah and spending for the sake of Him. He was a religious scholar, and the Companions (R) used to believe what he narrated from Allah’s Messenger (SAW). He had a profound religious knowledge and was a gifted teacher. He feared Allah much, even though he was one of the ten who was given the glad tidings of Paradise. He was present in all the battles. On the day of Uhud, when the Muslims fled except a few warriors, he was among those who remained to defend Allah’s Messenger (SAW). He was generous and openhanded without worrying about poverty. Even a verse was revealed for him(Al-Baqarah 2:262). He earned his wealth as a trader. He supported the Mothers of the believers a lot. Once Aisha (R) said: “May Allah the Almighty give ‘Abdul-Rahman bin ‘Awf from the sweet waters of Salsabil in Paradise.” His wealth increased due to the fact that: “Giving charity purifies, and augments the wealth of the giver.” He used to rely on Allah first, and then his own efforts. Muhammad (SAW) said that he was one of the most excellent Muslims. ‘Abdul-Rahman bin ‘Awf was one of the most dutiful to the Mothers of the believers after the death of Allah’s Messenger (SAW). Allah’s Messenger (SAW) performed the prayer behind him. None acquired such a glorious deed except he and Abu Bakr. Companions of Muhammad (SAW) confessed he was virtuous and excellent in behavior. ‘Abdul- Rahman bin ‘Awf (R) died in the 31st year A.H. at the age of 72. He was buried in Al-Baqi’.
The Brotherhood was made b/w him and Sa'd bin al-Rabi'.
Last Updated:2010-12-08
al-Isabah [8/257] , Tabaqat [Vol:3] , Siyar A'lam [1/68-92] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:6] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [348]
Narrations:Sahih Bukhari: 4    Sahih Muslim: 1    

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