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Umm Sulaym bint Milhan ( أم سليم بنت ملحان ( رضي الله عنها
Scholar:83 - Umm Sulaym bint Milhan [Umm Sulaym] Comp.(RA) [1st Generation]
Full Name:Rumaysa bint Milhan b. Khalid b. Zayd b. Haram b. Jundub b. 'Amir b. Ghanm b. 'Ady b. al-Najjar
Parents:Malik b. Khalid b. Zaid b. Haraam / Muliakah bint Malik bin 'Adi b. Zaid Manat
Siblings: Umm Haram bint Milhan, Haram bin Milhan, Sulaym bin Milhan, Umm 'Abdullah bint Milhan, Zayd bin Milhan
Birth Date/Place: (Medinah)
Death Date/Place: (Medinah)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Medinah
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Narrator [ خ م د ت س
Spouse(s):Malik ibn an-Nadr, Abu Talha Ansari
Children :Anas bin Malik, Abu 'Umair bin Abi Talha, 'Abdullah bin Abi Talha
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw), Prophet Muhammad(saw)
Narrated By:
Anas bin Malik, ibn Abbas, 'Amr bin 'Asim, Abu Salama bin 'Abdur Rahman
Tags :Female, Ansar, Khazraj, B.'Ady, Uhud
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Brief Biography:
Her other name: Ghameesa,Ramlah, Sahlah, Ramisa
Umm Sulaym was a model Muslim, a model wife and mother. Known for her excellent character, the power of her intellect and her independent attitude of mind, she was one of the first women in Madinah to embrace Islam. After being widowed, the only dowry she demanded of her wealthy second husband was that he accept Islam. Noted for her great courage and bravery, Umm Sulaym accompanied the Muslim armies, caring for the wounded and attempted to defend Prophet Mohammed with her dagger at Uhud when the tide of battle turned against the Muslims.
Last Updated:2010-05-21
Thiqat [Vol:3] , Tabaqat [Vol:8] , Siyar A'lam [2/304-311] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:12] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:12] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [747] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [757] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [760]
Narrations:Sahih Bukhari: 3    Sahih Muslim: 2    

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