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Umamah bint Zainab ( أمامة بنت أبي العاص بن الربيع ( رضي الله عنها
Scholar:92 - Umamah bint Zainab Comp.(RA)
Full Name:Umamah bint Abi 'Aas ibn al-Rabi' bin 'Abdul-'Uzza bin 'Abd Shams bin 'Abd Manaf
Parents:Abu al-'Aas ibn al-Rabiah / Zaynab bint Muhammad
Siblings: 'Ali bin Abi 'Aas ibn al-Rabi'
Birth Date/Place: (Makkah)
Death Date/Place: 66 AH (Medinah)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Makkah/Medina/Kufa
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran
Spouse(s):Ali ibn Abi Talib, al-Mughira ibn Nawfal ibn al-Harith
Children :None
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw),
Tags :Female, Quraish, B.'Abd Shams, Child, Grand Child
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Brief Biography:
Umamah bint Zainab was a daughter of Zainab and granddaughter of Muhammad. After the death of her aunt Fatimah she married Muhammad's cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib but did not have any children. She died in 66 AH.
Last Updated:2010-01-14
Tabaqat [Vol:8] , Tabaqat [Vol:8] , Siyar A'lam [1/335-335]

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