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al-Taufayl bin 'Amr al-Dausi ( الطفيل بن عمرو الدوسي ( رضي الله عنه
Scholar:3200 - al-Taufayl bin 'Amr al-Dausi [Dhul Nur] Comp.(RA)
Full Name:al-Taufayl bin 'Amr b. Tarif b. al-'Aas b. Tha'laba b. Salim b. Fahm b. Ghanm b. Daus b. 'Adnan
Parents:'Amr b. Tarif al-Dausi
Birth Date/Place: (Yemen)
Death Date/Place: 12 AH/634 CE (Hijaz)[ Martyred(Yamama) ]
Places of Stay: Yemen/Makkah/Medina
Area of Interest:Recitation/Quran, Art/Poetry, Preacher
Children :'Amr bin al-Taufayl bin 'Amr al-Dausi, al-Harith bin al-Taufayl al-Dausi
Narrated From:
Muhammad (saw),
Tags :al-Dausi, B.Azd, Early Muslim, Kahybar
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Brief Biography:
Full lineage: al-Taufayl bin 'Amr( or al-Harith) b. Tarif b. al-'Aas b. Tha'laba b. Salim b. Fahm b. Ghanm b. Daus b. 'Adnan b.'Abdullah b. Zahran b. Ka'b b. al-Harith b. Ka'b b. 'Abdullah b. Malik b. Nasr b. al-Azd
At-Tufayl ibn Amr was the head of the Daws tribe before Islam began to spread in the Arabian Peninsula. He was very well known for his great generosity and good deeds. He used to feed the poor, comforted those in pain and he always granted shelter to refugees.
Al-Tufayl Bin Amr Al-Dausi visited Mecca soon after Prophet Muhammad(saw) began to preach. He was warned by friends there to stay away from this self-proclaimed prophet who was saying dangerous things. His response was, “I’m an intelligent person, a poet, and I know the difference between good and evil. I’ll listen to him; if what he says is good I’ll accept it and if it is bad I’ll reject it.” Al-Tufayl visited Muhammad(saw) in his home, where Prophet Muhammad(saw) recited the Quran to him. Al-Tufayl concluded he had never heard anything so beautiful in his life, and converted to Islam. He returned to his hometown and preached his new religion to the people there. When Prophet Muhammad(saw) later raided the Jewish community at Khaybar, Al-Tufayl and his converts joined him and were given a full share of the bounty.
Abu Huraira accepted Islam due to his preaching.
Last Updated:2010-02-03
Thiqat [Vol:3] , Tabaqat [Vol:4] , Siyar A'lam [1/344-347]

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