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'Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham عبد الملك بن هشام
Scholar:20119 - 'Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham [Abu Muhammad] Succ. (Taba' Tabi')
Full Name:'Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham bin Ayoub
Birth Date/Place: (Basra)
Death Date/Place: ~218 AH/833 CE (Egypt)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Egypt,Basra
Area of Interest:History, Seerah, Narrator[Grade:No Doubt]
Tags :al-Dhayli, Sudasi, al-Humayri, al-Ma'
Analysis:[] [Family Tree 2] [Student List]
Brief Biography:
Born in Egypt, he spent his entire life there. Although he wrote a book on South Arabian antiquities, Kitab al-Tidjan , that has survived down to our times, Ibn Hisham is, of course, more famous for his edition of the Sira of Ibn Ishaq. Ibn Hisham derived his knowledge of the latter's work from Ziyad al-Bakka'i (d. 183/799), a pupil of Ibn Ishaq who lived mostly in Kufa, but may have travelled to Iraq to study. Al-Bakkai made two copies of Ibn Ishaq's work, one of which reached Ibn Hisham, "whose text, abbreviated, annotated, and sometimes altered, is the main source of our knowledge of the original work."
Last Updated:2010-08-19
Siyar A'lam [10/428-429]

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