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Ahmad bin Hanbal أحمد بن حنبل
Scholar:30007 - Ahmad bin Hanbal [Abu 'Abdullah] 3rd Century AH [10th generation] [Hanbali]
Full Name:Ahmed bin Muhammad b. Hanbal b. Hilaal b. As’ad b. Idrees b. 'Abdullah b. Hayyaan b. 'Abdullah
Parents:Muhammad Ibn Hanbal / Saffiyah bint Maimoonah bint 'Abdul Malik
Birth Date/Place: 164 AH/780 CE (Basra)
Death Date/Place: 241 AH/855 CE (Baghdad)[ Natural ]
Places of Stay: Baghdad/Syria/Hijaz
Area of Interest:Fiqh, Hadith, Narrator[Grade:Thiqah Thiqah] [ ع , Tafsir/Quran, Aqeedah
Spouse(s):Umm Abi 'Abbash, Raihanah, Husn(Slave)
Children :'Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Hanbal, Salah
Narrated From:
Bashr bin al-Mufadl bin Lahaq, Isma'il bin Ibrahim - Ibn 'Aliya, Sufyan bin 'Uyaynah, Jarir bin 'Abdul Hameed al-Razi, Yahya bin Sa'id bin Farroukh al-Qatan, Sulaiman bin Da'ud bin al-Jarud, 'Abdullah bin Numayr, 'Abdur-Razzaq, 'Ali bin 'Ayyash, Imam Shafi'ee, Muhammad bin Ja'far Ghandar, Ma'tmar bin Sulaiman-al-Taufayl, Several Others
Narrated By:
al-Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Abu Da'ud, الباقون مع البخاري أيضا بواسطة, al-'Aswad bin 'Amir Shadhan, 'Abdur Rahman bin Mahdi, Imam Shafi'ee, Hisham bin 'Abdul Malik al-Tayalasi, 'Abdur-Razzaq, Waki' bin al-Jarrah, Yahya bin Aadm bin Sulaiman, Yazid bin Harun, (His Shaikh), Qutayba bin Sa'id bin Jamil, Da'ud bin 'Amr bin Zuhayr, Khlf bin Hisham bin Th'lb, (older than him), Ahmed bin Abi al-Hawari, Yahya bin Ma'in, 'Ali bin al-Madini, al-Husain bin Mnswr bin Ja'far, Ziyad bin Ayoub - Dulwiyya, 'Abdur Rahman bin Ibrahim, 'Ubaidullah bin Sa'id, Muhammad bin Rafa'i, Muhammad bin Yahya bin Abi Samina, (From peers), 'Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Hanbal, تلامذته أبو بكر الأثرم, حرب الكرماني, بقي بن مخلد, حنبل بن إسحاق, شاهين بن السميدع, Muhammad bin Ziyad al-Yshkry
Tags :Imam, Hafiz, al-Shaybani, al-Murwazi, Baghdadi
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Brief Biography:
Student of Imam Shafi'i, Scholar of Fiqh (Jurisprudence). From the foremost of his students are: his two sons, Salih and Abdullah, Hanbal ibn Ishaq, al-Marrudhi, al-Kawsaj, Ibn Hani, Abu Dawud (compiler of Sunan Abi Dawud), al-Athram, Abu Zur’ah al-Razi, Abu Hatim al-Razi, ‘Abdul-Wahhab al-Warraq, al-Tirmidhi and many others.
He studied the Hadeeth and Fiqh together with other Islaamic disciplines in Baghdad, then travelled to Ash-Sham and Hijaz for further studies. He was persecuted during the rule of Al-Ma'mun bin Harun Ar-Rashid for refusing to acknowledge the Bid'aa (innovation) of claiming that the Qur'aan was the creation of Allaah, introduced by the Mu' tazila. He however, stood firm against all the trials and saved the Sunnah from the innovation of the wretched Mu 'tazila thoughts. He was the mostly persecuted and most firm one amongst all the Imam. He is most famous for collecting the Hadeeth of the Prophet compiled in the Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, which contain 28 to 29 thousand Hadeeth. It was said that Ibn Hanbal memorized one million Hadeeth. Ibn Hanbal died in Baghdad on Friday, 12 Rabi '-ul-Awwal 241 H. The Creed of the Ahlus-Sunnahh is that the Qur'aan is the Kalaam or Word of Allaah.
Last Updated:2011-01-07
Thiqat [Vol:8] , Tabaqat [Vol:7] , Siyar A'lam [11/177-358] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:1] , Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb [Vol:12] , Taqrib al-Tahdheeb [84]
Narrations:Sahih Bukhari: 15    Sahih Muslim: 24    

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